Wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar TPRS
Op deze pagina verzamelen we wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar (deelaspecten van) TPR Storytelling. De onderstaande lijst is een overzicht van al het onderzoek naar TPRS dat wij hebben kunnen vinden. TPRS Academy is niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud van de hier verzamelde onderzoeken. Karen Lichtman heeft een samenvatting geschreven van enkele van deze onderzoeken.
De aanpak van TPRS is sterk beïnvloed door het werk van Stephen Krashen. Een overzicht van zijn publicaties vind je op zijn website: www.sdkrashen.com.
Alley, D. & Overfield, D. (2008). An Analysis of the Teaching Proficiency Through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS) Method. Dimension, 2008, 13-25.
Ariyanti Sutijono, A. (2014): The effect of Total Physical Response Storytelling (TPRS) on the vocabulary achievement of elementary school students. English department faculty of teacher training and education Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Armstrong, A. (2008): Fun and fluency in Spanish trough TPRS. UW-L Journal of Undergraduate Research XI.
Beal, K.D. (2011). The correlates of storytelling from the Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS) method of foreign language instruction on anxiety, continued enrollment and academic success in middle and high school students. (Doctoral dissertation.)
Bernal Numpaque, N.R. en García Rojas, M.A.(2010): TPR Storytelling, a key to speak fluently in English. Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica N.° 15, Enero-Junio 2010; p. 151-162
Beyer, Fox, M.A.. (2008). Impact of TPR on the preterit tense in Spanish. (Master’s thesis).
Blanton, M. (2015). The effect of two foreign language teaching approaches, communicative language teaching and teaching proficiency through reading and storytelling, on motivation and proficiency for Spanish III students in high school. Liberty University.
Braunstein, L. (2006): Adult ESL Learners’ Attitudes Toward Movement (TPR) and Drama (TPR Storytelling) in the Classroom. Gepubliceerd in Catesol Journal.
Brune, K.M. (2004): Total Physical Response Storytelling: An analysis and application. University of Oregon.
Bustamante, M.C. (2009). Measuring the effectiveness of a TPRS pilot course in Spanish at the 100 college level. (Master’s thesis).
Cantoni, G. et al. (1999): Revitalising Indigenous Languages. Northern Arizona University.
Castro, R. (2010): TPRS for Adults in the ESL Classroom: A Pilot Study Comparing Total Physical Response Storytelling™ With the Grammar-Translation Teaching Strategy to Determine Their Effectiveness in Vocabulary Acquisition Among English as a Second Language Adult Learners. Dominican University of California.
Cox, S.B. (2015): The Effect of Dialog in the Comprehensible Input Spanish Classroom. University of Colorado, Denver.
Çubukçu, F. (2014): A synergy between storytelling and vocabulary teaching through TPRS. Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey.
Davidheiser, J. (2002): Teaching German with TPRS. Die Unterrichtspraxis / Teaching German, Vol. 35, No. 1 (Spring, 2002), pp. 25-35.
Decker, B. (2008): Body Language: The Effectiveness of Total Physical Response Storytelling in Secondary Foreign Language Instruction.
Demir, Ş. and F. Çubukçu: (2014): To have or not to have TPRS for preschoolers (TPRS DİL ÖĞRETİM METODU OKUL ÖNCESİ ÖĞRENCİLERİNE UYGULANMALI MI UYGULANMAMALI MI). Asya Öğretim Dergisi [Asian Journal of Instruction], 2014-2, 186-197
Dettenrieder, A.M. (2006): Total Physical Response Storytelling And The Teaching Of Grammar Rules In Second Language Instruction. Regis University
Dukes, C. (2012): Students’ Perceptions of Total Physical Response and Storytelling as a Stand-Alone Foreign Language Learning Methodology. Utah Valley University, Utah.
Dziedzic, J. (2012). A Comparison of TPRS and Traditional Instruction, both with SSR. International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 7:2 (March 2012), pp. 4-7.
Espinoza, P.L. (2015): Three teachers' experiences developing and implementing Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS) curriculum in their World Language classes. Thesis. Chapman University
Foster, S.J. (2011). Processing instruction and teaching proficiency through reading and storytelling: A study of input in the second language classroom. (Master’s thesis).
Garczinsky, M. (2010): Teaching proficiency through reading and storytelling: Are TPRS students more fluent in second language acquisition than audio lingual students?
Ge, Y. (2012): Effectiveness of Tprs Approach in Improving Oral Communicative Competence. Shanghai International Studies University.
Handayani, A.M. (2012): The use of TPR Storytelling in Teaching vocabulary to young learners: a pre-experimental research in an elementary school in Bandung. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Hoevenaars, B., H. Hol en H. Verhees (2014): Een verkenningstocht langs TPRS-docenten in Nederland. De lespraktijk in beeld gebracht. Universiteit Utrecht, Centrum voor Onderwijs en Leren. (Op te vragen via e-mail.)
Holleny, L. (2012): The effectiveness of Total Physical Response Storytelling for language learning with special education students. Rowan University.
Izaks, A. (2017): TPRS en motivatie: Een monitorend onderzoek naar hoe de werkzame factoren van Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS) gerealiseerd worden in het basisonderwijs, hoe leerkrachten het werken met TPRS ervaren en wat TPRS met motivatie doet. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Jakubowski, A. (2013): Using visual aids in the secondary language classroom: an action research study on the use of illustrations during tprs instruction. The University of Toledo.
Jebeli, Mehrnoosh (2012) Effects of total physical response storytelling on Iranian students' vocabulary acquisition. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Faculty of Education.
Jennings, J. (2009): Results of Master’s Thesis comparing two TPRS groups and one control group of Spanish ll high school students. De complete Thesis is op te vragen bij Millersville University.
Kariuki, P.K.D. and E.D. Bush (2008): The effects of Total Physical Response by Storytelling and the Traditional Teaching Styles of a Foreign Language in a selected High School. Annual Conference of the Mid. South Educational Research Association Knoxville, Tennessee.
Koetz, K.M (2009).: The effects of the TPRS Method in a Spanish l classroom. Morningside College. (Op te vragen via e-mail.)
Krashen, S.D.: TPRS: Contributions, Problems, New Frontiers, and Issues. (Presentation, NTPRS, July 20, 2015)
Liu, Y. (刘莺): TPRS jiaoxuefa ji qi dui daxue yingyu jiaoxue de qishi (TPRS 教学法及其对大学英 语教学的启示). Changsha,
Changsha Tiedao xueyuan xuebao (长沙铁道学院学报), Vol. 12, No. 3, 2011, p. 180. Liu, J. (刘贾祎): TPRS jiaoxuefa chutan (TPRS 教学法初探). Changchun, Changchun ligong daxue xuebao (长春理工大学学报), Vol. 4, N. 2, 2009, p. 181.
Lubbinge, J. (2018): AR in het TPRS-onderwijs. TPRS Academy, The Netherlands.
Marsh, V. (1998): Total Physical Response Storytelling: A Communicative Approach to Language Learning. Language Learning v4 n1 p24-28 Fall 1998.
McClure, M. (2014): Proposal SL Research TPRS Presentation.
Merinnage De Costa, R. (2015): Traditional methods versus TPRS: Effects on introductory French students at a medium-sized public university in the Midwestern United States. Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Mohamed, E.F.M. (2009): The effectiveness of TPRS in Vocabulary Acquisition and Retention of EFL Prep. Stage Students and their Attitudes towards English Language. Mansoura University, Faculty of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction.
Mrhálková, Tereaza. Adapting Chatterbox for TPR Storytelling method: Final thesis. Brno: Masaryk University, Faculty of Education, Department of English Language and Literature, 2015.
Ming Chang, Jing Chen (2016): A Study on the Effectiveness of TPR and TPRS in Short-Term Chinese Language Training at the Beginner Level
Murray, C. (2014): TPR and TPRS and Language Acquisition. Caldwell College.
Muzammil, L. and Andy (....): Improving Speaking Skill by Using Teaching Proficiency Through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS). Kanjuruhan University of Malang, Indonesia.
Myers, A.B. (2014): A Literary Lesson; Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling. Ball State University Muncie, Indiana.
Nijhuis, R. en Vermaning, L. (2010): Onderzoek lesmethode TPRS. Bachelor of Education, Fontys Hogeschool te Tilburg. (Op te vragen via e-mail.)
Nguyen, K, N. Stanley and L. Stanley (2014): Storytelling in Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language. Shaanxi Normal University, China, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, USA and Capella University, USA.
Ning Li (2013): Is TPRS an Effective Method for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language among Young Learners of Beginning Levels? The European Conference on Education. (Op te vragen via e-mail.)
Nurlaili, Siti Nurani, Larisa Yohana (2015): The effectiveness of teaching English vocabulary through Total Physical Response Storytelling (TPRS). Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Oliver, J.S. (2012). Investigating storytelling methods in a beginning level college class. The Language Educator, February 2012.
Pelissero, S.: Master thesis in het Italiaans over toepassing TPRS bij lessen Chinees (Mandarijn). (Op te vragen via e-mail.)
Pendidikan, S. (2012): The application of Total Physical Response and Storytelling to teach English for kindergarten students. English Department, Faculty of Language and Literature, Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia.
Perna, M. (2007). Effects of Total Physical Response Storytelling versus traditional, versus initial instruction with primary-, reinforced by secondary-perceptual strengths on the vocabulary- and grammar-Italian-language achievement test scores, and the attitudes of ninth and tenth graders. (Doctoral dissertation).
Pippins, D. and Krashen, S.D. (2015): How well do TPRS students do on the AP? The International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, vol. 11, Issue 1, May 2016.
Printer, L. (Working Paper, due March 2018): Student perceptions on the motivational pull of Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling: a Self-Determination Theory perspective. Working Paper, due March 2018. The University of
Bath, UK, Version: 1.1, Under Submission.
Rapstine, A.H. (2003). Total Physical Response Storytelling (TPRS): A practical and theoretical overview and evaluation within the framework of the national standards. (Master’s thesis).
Rodas Reinbach, D.L. (2011): Total Physical Response (TPR) Storytelling as a strategy for teaching English as a Foreign Language to Pre-School Children (ages 4 to 5). Universidad de Cuenca, Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación Departamento de Investigación y Postgrados Maestría en Lengua Inglesa y Lingüística Aplicada.
Roof,L.M. and Kreutter, C.A. (2010): An Interactive Storytelling Puzzle: Building a Positive Environment in a Second Language Classroom. Networks, Vol. 12, Issue 1.
Safdarian, Z. (2012): THE EFFECT OF STORIES ON YOUNG LEARNERS' PROFICIENCY AND MOTIVATION IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING. Kharazmi University Foreign Language Department. Published in International Journal of English and Education ISSN: 2278-4012, Volume:2, Issue:3, JULY 2013
Schuster, K. (2010): Diseño de una programación Basada en el método TPRS y la enseñanza basada en temas. Universidad de León/Jaén. Aan te vragen per e-mail.
Sievek, M.D.: Una evolución de TPRS. Universidad de Salamanca.
Simanjuntak, Y.R. and L. Sihombing (2015): THE EFFECT OF USING TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE STORYTELLING ON STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ACHIEVEMENT. English Language and Literature Department of UNIMED
Spangler, D. E. (2009). Effects of two foreign language methodologies, Communicative Language Teaching and Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling, on beginning-level students’ achievement, fluency, and anxiety. (Doctoral dissertation).
Susan, I. (2013): THE USE OF TEACHING PROFICIENCY THROUGH READING AND STORYTELLING (TPRS) TO IMPROVE STUDENTS` LISTENING COMPREHENSION (Pre-experimental research at a second grade of a junior high school in Bandung).
Taulbee, A.M. (2008): Twenty Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS) lessons for the Spanish I classroom. University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2008
Varguez, K.C. (2009). Traditional and TPR Storytelling Instruction in the Beginning High School Classroom. International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 5:1 (Summer), pp. 2-11.
De Vlaming, E.M.: TPRS in de Duitse les. Onderzoek naar de effecten van TPRS op het toepassen van grammatica. Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen, 2013. (Op te vragen via e-mail.)
Watson, B. (2009). A comparison of TPRS and traditional foreign language instruction at the high school level. International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 5:1 (Summer), pp. 21-24.
Welch, B. (2014): Mas alla del TPRS: Lecciones para la clase de literatura. University of Wyoming, 2014
Wenck, T.M.: Using language acquisition strategies in the secondary German classroom. Master of Education, Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Whitaker, A.S. (2010): Teaching through the target language. Moravian College Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Youman Henley, T.E. (2012): Teaching English at the University Level Through Short Stories and Multimedia. Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación, Departamente de investigación y postgrados, Maestría en Lengua Inglesa y lingüística aplicada. Cuenca, Ecuador
Youman, I., M.I. Pérez, and M.C. Suin (2013): Teaching english through total physical response storytelling. University of Cuenca, School of philosophy.
Zukanoff, L.C. (2015): A case for Total Proficiency Through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS) in a middle school foreign language classroom. Bethel University, St. Paul.
Gerelateerde publicaties
Dokalik-Jonak, E. and R. Kemsies: The role of context in the TPRS classroom. University of Teacher Educacion Vienna.
Jones, D. (2011): An investigation into the effect of using TPR/TPRS techniques on the amount of words written in English Class at Japanese college.
Jones, D. (2011): A review of TPR and TPRS and TPRS English Teaching Techniques for Japanese College Students.
Krashen, S.D. (2012): The wrong and right way to learn a foreign language
Ozbolt, I. (2010): Lessons in Immersion Instruction from the American Indian Language Development Institute (AILDI), University of Oklahoma.
Sebelius, E. (2002): TPR Storytelling: The Teaching Method Most Consistent with the Principles of Second Language Acquisition
Zerzan, C. (2011): Effectiveness of TPR and TPR Storytelling with Elementary Students. CAIS Faculty newsletter, fall 2011, page 12-14.